#HeronsOfinstagram #NankeenNightHeron #NycticoraxCaledonicus #NightHerons #Herons Kingdom: #AnimaliaSeria Phylum: #ChordataSeria Class: #AvesSeria Order: #PelecaniformesSeria Family: #ArdeidaeSeria Genus: #NycticoraxSeria Species: #NycticoraxCaledonicusSeria Gmelin, 1789 Subspecies #NycticoraxCaledonicusCaledonicus (Gmelin, 1789) New Caledonian nankeen night heron #NycticoraxCaledonicusManillensis Vigors, 1831 Celebes sea nankeen night heron #NycticoraxCaledonicusCrassirostris Vigors, 1839 Bonin nankeen night heron (extinct) #NycticoraxCaledonicusMandibularis Ogilvie-Grant, 1888 Solomon nankeen night heron #NycticoraxCaledonicusHilli Mathews, 1912 Common nankeen night heron #NycticoraxCaledonicusPelewensis Mathews, 1926 Micronesian nankeen night heron Synonyms #ArdeaCaledonica Gmelin, 1789 The nankeen night heron (Nycticorax caledonicus) also commonly referred to as the rufous night heron, and in Melanesia as Melabaob, is a medium-sized heron. It is found in Indonesia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, and throughout much of Australia except the arid inland. A small colony has also established near Wanganui, New Zealand Description The nankeen night heron stands about 60 cm tall with a stooped appearance. It is not strictly nocturnal. It often feeds during the day, especially during wet weather. The bird is dependent on a diet of small fish, reptiles, insects and sometimes eggs. It can be seen around freshwater rivers, lakes, bulrushes, estuaries, harbors and in residential fishponds for goldfish. #NankeenNightHeronsSeria #NightHeronsSeria #HeronsSeria #BirdsSeria #AsianBirdsSeria #AsianHeronsSeria #AustralianBirdsSeria #AustralianHeronsSeria #NewZealandHeronsSeria #22January2018Seria #22JanuarySeria Monday