#NewtsOfinstagram #KudistanNewt #NeurergusMicrospilotus #Newts #SalamandersOfinstagram Kingdom #AnimaliaSeria Phylum #ChordataSeria Class #AmphibiaSeria Order #CaudataSeria Family #SalamandridaeSeria Species: #NeurergusMicrospilotusSeria (Nesterov, 1916) Common Name(s): English – #KurdistanNewtsSeria Synonym(s): #RhithrotritonDerjuginiDerjugini var. derjugini Nesterov, 1916 #RhithrotritonDerjuginiMicrospilotus var. microspilotus Nesterov, 1916 Listed as Critically Endangered, because its Area of Occupancy is less than 10km2, it is known from only four severely fragmented streams (with no movement of animals between these), and there is a continuing decline in the extent and quality of its stream habitat, and in the number of subpopulations and individuals because of habitat degradation, drought and overcollection of animals for both the national and international pet trade. Previously published Red List assessments: 2006 – Endangered (EN) 2004 – Vulnerable (VU) Geographic Range Description: This species is restricted to the Avroman Mountains on the Iraq-Iran-Turkey border, however it has currently only been recorded from Iran (Leviton et al. 1992, M. Sharifi pers. comm. September 2008) where it was known from five streams, but is now restricted to only four (now extinct at the type locality of Ghorighaleh). Many of the known localities are easy to access by people. Within Iran it is found in Kermenshah Province; it has not been confirmed from Turkey or Iraq. It has an altitudinal range of 1,300-1,400 m asl. #SalamandersSeria #NewtSeria #AsianAnimalsSeria #AsianNewtsSeria #SpottedAnimalsSeria #YellowSpottedAnimalsSeria #BlackYellowAnimalsSeria #iranAnimalsSeria #TurkeyAnimalsSeria #iraqAnimalsSeria #iraqSalamandersSeria #iranSalamandersSeria #TurkeySalamandersSeria #11January2018Seria #11JanuarySeria Thursday